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杨天江《 我很快就十三岁了》

编辑:路漫 发布时间:2024/10/25 来源:中国早报网











我觉得我的七岁或十二岁生日就像昨天一样,直到昨天,我才终于满 2 位数;直到昨天,我才举办了第一次派对。直到昨天,我才第一次搬到加拿大……我很快就十三岁了。




我的朋友昨天给我发短信说:“再过二十天,你就十三岁了。”我突然意识到,这就像一桶冰水。再过二十天就十三岁了……已经这样了?但是……哦,天哪,我的意思是,已经有一段时间了,对吧?我已经呼吸着这种空气,沐浴着这种阳光,站在这片土地上将近十三年了……三十年呢?六十年呢?未来……好吧,想想也没用。青少年时代即将到来,虽然 Youtube Shorts 看起来很无用,但实际上它也有一些帮助:真正的成年人分享他们自己的经历,许多人给我们这些年轻的观众提供建议,告诉我们,如何不完全浪费我们的青少年时代。










They told me that I’m growing up too fast. Then they say I look so old for my young age. I’m turning thirteen soon.

My parents still talk about my baby memories like they were yesterday. I still see pictures of my baby self. I’m turning thirteen soon.

I feel like my tenth or seventh birthday was only yesterday, only yesterday had I finally reached 2 digits, only yesterday had I had my first ever party. Only yesterday had I first moved to Canada… I’m turning thirteen.

They say thirteen is an unlucky number. It is anything but that, no matter how many elevators Americans remove it from or how many thirteenth floors are excluded from buildings, thirteen is forever a sacred number. It represents your first leap from a child to the next step of life. You’re a teen, starting to make your own decisions and seeing the world under a new light, taking off your jacket and feeling the fresh winter wind. It’s a small amount of time, but the teenage years are always golden, in so little amount of time so many things can happen:

You can get your first boyfriend, get drunk or even break the law for this first time. It’s the golden hour for trial and error, learning and succeeding and prepping yourself for the real and final test: university. As a child, we wish to be a ‘cool teen’, as a teen, we wish to be more mature and independent or wish to be older and a ‘collected adult’, as an adult we are stressed and scared and wish we were a kid again, hiding under our parent’s umbrella and only worrying about the monsters under the bed or the creepy shadows in the dark, not how to pay for rent or if this relationship will be your last.

My friend texted me yesterday, said “You’ll be turning thirteen in twenty days.” That’s when it hit me like a bucket of ice water. Thirteen in twenty days..? Already? But… Oh well, ah geez, I mean, it’s been a while huh? I’ve been breathing this air, bathing under this sun, standing on this ground for a near solid thirteen years… What about thirty? And sixty? The future… Well, thinking about it doesn’t help. The teenage years are coming, and as much as Youtube Shorts seems stupid, it’s actually really helpful: actual adults share their own experiences and many give tips to us younger audiences on how to not completely flop our teenage years.

A good school is needed, that’s a good thing. I go to one. It’s so calm and peaceful, sure, studying is a tough job but that’ll be one of the fun parts. Maybe I’ll get a boyfriend, maybe I’ll wake up one day and say ‘hell, I want a girlfriend’ alright then. Nobody except the future knows what the future holds, you’re not the future, so stop stressing about what can’t be known. Focus on the present so it becomes the past and the future becomes the present.

Every single precious droplet of time is sacred, childhood is just as amazing as adulthood is and being a teenager is crossing that bridge by being in your best youth and living your wildest life while studying your hardest and maybe even partying.

They told me I was growing up too fast. Then they said I looked too old for my age. I’m turning thirteen soon.




作者简介:杨天江,英文名Ayesha Yang,祖籍湖南汉寿县,2011年10月13日出生于长沙,现就读于多伦多大学附属中学(UTS),为该校辩论队、篮球队成员。

